Monday 2 April 2012

April 2, 2012 in Budapest, Hungary: The Castle District

Today we went to the Castle District.  We woke up on a fine morning, then we got up and got dressed.  And then we ate breakfast, such as yogurt, kiwi, oranges, bread and butter, chocolate milk, orange juice, great fruit juice and water.  Then we cleared the plates and knives and forks and spoons and plates and cups then we put on our coats and left.

The time we were outside, we walked a long way.  First we walked down Rath Gyordy utca which is Hungarian for Rath Gyordy street.  William hid a lot and scared us and my mom took some pictures of us.

Then we went on and turned and crossed a street and then we saw a lego shop.  William really wanted one of those lego boxes that had a snake that was a bad guy and two good guys attacking the snake with a powerful tractor but the snake had a magic power to protect it.  My mom said no, so we went on and crossed a street.  There was a park so we decided to play for a little at the park.  I played on the monkey bars and I walked on the ropes.  

Then we left.

And we walked to the castle.  I took this picture on the way up the hill.

This is the Chain Bridge.

This is the Royal Palace.

I took this picture of the eagle.

This is Szent Istvan's Basiliska (Saint Stephen's Basilica) on the Pest side.

This is the Parliament Building.

At the castle we saw a parade of soldiers, and then we went to the kurtoskalacs shop and tried it.  We liked it so we got a vanilla, a chocolate, and a nut.  

Then we went to see the funicular.  

Then we went over to the garden (by Fisherman's Bastion and Matthias church).  There were lots of flowers and a beautiful view.  There was King Matthias on a horse, but it was only a statue. 

We heard a noise.  My brother and I said, "Come on!"  My mom said, "It's just a bird." but we said, "Come on!" "Fine!" my mom said so we went down a couple of steps and we saw a man blowing a bird necklace.  It made sound.  He showed us an instrument on his tongue that helped him sound like a bird also. We got the bird whistles.

Then we went to a restaurant for lunch.  

On the way, my mom had to take lots of pictures of us in the doors.

Then we ate lunch.  I ordered goulasch soup, Manuella and my mom ordered a cream of wild garlic soup and William ordered Wiener Schnitzel. When the food came, I didn't like the soup, so my mother and I switched.

Then we went home.


  1. Bravo! we look forward to seeing what you do tomorrow. Ps--Cialas misses you.

  2. Hi Elizabeth, did you enjoy in butapest? we had a wonderful week.My grandmother came to my house. We went to the city. We enjoyed the zoo.See you! Kei
